2nd EACTS Meeting on Cardiac and Pulmonary Regeneration
Congress Announcement
2nd EACTS Meeting on Cardiac and Pulmonary Regeneration
Courtyard Vienna Messe Hotel, Vienna, Austria
3 – 4 December 2010

On behalf of the local organizing committee we would like to propose the 2nd EACTS Cardiac and Pulmonary Regeneration meeting, in Vienna, Austria. After the overwhelming success of the 1st meeting in 2008 in Bern, Switzerland; once again, this meeting will be dedicated to the emerging field of regenerative medicine for cardiac and pulmonary repair and regeneration.
We propose a two-day symposium with state-of-the-art presentations by invited experts in regenerative medicine and aim to cultivate a friendly atmosphere with ample time for discussion and presentations. This meeting will be very interactive with the goal not only of being educational but also of fostering collaborations. We have selected a great panel of experts from the cardiovascular and pulmonary regeneration fields to discuss topics such as:
Stem Cell Types for Therapeutic Strategies
Importance of Microenvironment & Inflammation in Heart & Lung
Cell-Based Therapy for Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Regeneration
Growth Factor-/Secretome-Based Therapeutics for Heart & Lung Regeneration
Regeneration in the Skin – Lessons for the Heart and Lung
Registration – coming soon
Scientific Committee
Prof. Thomas Geiser, (University Hospital Berne),
Dr. Marie-Nöelle Giraud, (University Hospital Berne),
Prof. Mariann Gyöngyösi, (Med. Univ. Vienna)
Prof. Irene Lang, (Med. Univ. Vienna)
Prof. Günther Laufer, (Med. Univ. Vienna)
Prof. Gerald Maurer, (Med. Univ. Vienna)
Prof. Hendrik Tevaearai, (University Hospital Berne),
Prof. Erwin Tschachler, (Med. Univ. Vienna)
Prof. Rolf Ziesche, (Med. Univ. Vienna)
Dr. Hendrik J. Ankersmit, (Med. Univ. Vienna)
Dr. Golnaz Karoubi, (University Hospital Berne)